CityViz Economic Development Data Platform
Economic Development Data Visualizations & MapsShowcase your community to investors, developers, and businesses with CityViz community economic development data platform. Extend your website with data portal and embeddable website widgets, featuring interactive data visualizations and maps.
Ultimate Economic Development Data Platform
Fuel the economic growth of your community by offering investors, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers a treasure trove of up-to-date, relevant economic data in a user-friendly format.
CityViz, armed with distinctive features, simplifies the process of accessing and showcasing your data, ensuring it’s always at its freshest.
- Investment and talent attraction
- Community profile
- Market research and strategic planning
- Support grant applications with data
- Generate custom PDF and PowerPoint presentations for the Council, investors, and more.
CityViz Data Sources
CityViz data platform solves some of the major challenges in using data to support economic development activities, including collecting data from various data sources into a central repository and automatically keeping it all up to date. Data sources include Statistics Canada, provincial, regional and municipal open data, CMHC, and more. It is also possible to upload custom data provided by client organizations, and even integrate proprietary 3rd party data.
“The Cityviz data portal has provided our team with the tools and abilities to access data in one place…” read more
“Cityviz offers a data platform that is a must have for investment attraction! Cityviz team does an excellent job of compiling and presenting statistical data from a variety of sources…” read more
“Working with CityViz has been nothing short of amazing. They are enjoyable to work with, they listen to what you need and want, and they put it all together with ease and accuracy…” read more